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Tips to Take Care of Senior Citizens during COVID-19 Pandemic
We have almost arrived at the end of year 2020 and COVID-19 is still the top-of-the-charts news. In fact, the pandemic situation has become even more critical as the number of patients around the world is increasing alarmingly, and we still do not have a vaccine or cure in place. At such a time, those of us who are living with their families in a safe and loving environment feel more peaceful than the others. Considering it is the only possible solution at present, we are all trying to fight off this pandemic by following the prescribed preventive measures.
But making strong efforts to care for senior citizens is one of the most important requisite as they are at a greater risk against this fatal disease. Usually, the elderly are already struggling with pre-existing problems, and the fear of catching the Coronavirus can put more pressure on them, emotionally and psychologically. It’s time to take some strict preventive measures for the people, who once taught us ‘prevention is better than cure’ – our society’s senior citizens.
How to take care of your elderly loved ones during lockdown?
The global lockdown has already made reaching out to the elderly and caring for them difficult. But we still need to assure them that we’re here, and that they are not alone during these testing times. If you wish to do your bit and care for senior citizens, here are some expert ways that can help keep them safer:
Social Engagement
When all you are hearing about these days is social distancing, you’ll wonder how social engagement can work right. But you need to understand that this is the time that older people have even stopped going out for walks and chatting over tea with the neighbours. Such a disturbance in their routine can make them feel hopeless and alienated. You can teach them about social engagement with social distancing – connecting socially with the help of technology (the new normal).
Building Immunity
Having discussed about mental health and how COVID-19 can add to it, it’s evident that people who live alone are in a more dangerous zone. Besides trying to connect with them and ensuring their mental wellbeing, you can also try to help them with their regular doctor visits and health checkups. Doing so can help maintain and build up their immunity, as their health conditions can be professionally monitored.
Helping Hand
Stepping outside is a challenge for all of us today, but for elderly, it is even more unsafe. If you really want to assist the community and care for senior citizens, small steps like getting medicines or groceries for them can be very helpful. You can also help them learn about online shopping and digital payment options to make them feel more independent and comfortable. This will also help them stay indoors safely.
Safety Measures
Probably the best thing you can do to care for senior citizens is to make sure that they are duly following the prescribed safety measures. Inform them about the importance of lockdown, social distancing, latest updates on Corona virus, and the required precautions. At the same time, do not forget to practice what you preach – always keep well-sanitized around them (and even when you’re away).
Being left behind alone is a scary feeling, especially in old age. With the adoption of the above-mentioned tips, you can responsibly care for senior citizens, and add oodles of safety and love to their quarantine diaries.